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About Us

It was in 2016 that I got into crystal energy healing to aid in my battle with severe Crohn's disease. Crystals and energy healing have been a lifelong love for me. The metaphysical is the magic of the real world, and being drawn to magic led me to crystals. In turn, crystals led me to energy healing and I finished my Crystal Energy Healing and Reiki training in 2021. 

Mystical Mars started as a stationary shop, selling stickers, and planner inserts, while I was re-discovering and learning more about crystals and energy healing. As I learned more, I knew I wanted to transition Mystical Mars from stationary to crystals - but I didn't just want to sell crystals. 

It was a TikTok of someone making dessert candles when the idea of intention candles hit me. If you can make a dessert into a candle, you can make anything into a candle. I had some candle-making experience from that one time in Girl Scouts, so I hit YouTube and started learning everything about making soy candles. 

I ordered some soy wax, and all the candle-making tools, and then very quickly learned I did not like working with soy wax. After a few months of struggling with soy, I started researching and testing different waxes until I found our signature coconut beeswax blend. 

It was after my first year of pop-up events that I knew I wanted to curate crystal kits with our intention candles. I knew I could curate blends and energies that work well together, and creating guides allow me to share all of the knowledge I've gained. 


We re-branded to Mystical Mars in 2023 to incorporate my husband's craft of 3D printing. After he was gifted a 3D printer from a family member, Tim fell in love with 3D printing. He acquired two additional printers, and thus Print Shop was born. 

It's been a wild ride, and we are so appreciative of your support along the way. I'm so excited for the future of Mystical Mars and the amazing community we've built together. 

Love & Light, 


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